The Digital Syriac Corpus was launched in May of 2018 with several hundred texts already available. Since then, even more texts have been added, so I thought it would be useful to provide a list format of everything that was added in 2019.
These are arranged in the order in which they were added:
- Nestorius, Book of Heraclides
- Isaac of Nineveh, Ascetical Discourses (Part 1)
- Moshe bar Kepha, On the Soul
- The Doctrine of Addai
- Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History
- The Chronicle of Ps.-Joshua the Stylite
- History of Karka d-beth Slok
- Life of Jacob of Serugh
- Letter of Mara bar Serapion
- Martyrdom of Miles and his Companions
- Joseph Hazzaya, On Prayer
- Anton of Tagrit, On Divine Providence
- Balai, On the Dedication of the Church at Qenneshrin; On Bishop Acacius
- The Cause of All Causes
- Simeon of Beth Arsham, Letter concerning Barsawma
- Thomas of Edessa, On the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Letter exchange between Barlaha and Simeon, abbot of Mart Maryam
- Chronicle of Zuqnin
- John Rufus, Life of Peter the Iberian; Plerophoriae
- Testament of Adam
- Disputation between the Apostle Peter and Nero
- Ambrose (Ps.-Justin Martyr), Hypomnemata: Against the Greeks
- Ephrem the Syrian, Madrashe on Nisibis
- Julian Romance
- Ephrem the Syrian, Prose Refutations of Mani, Bardaisan, and Marcion
- Gregory bar Hebraeus, Metrical Grammar
- Gregory bar Hebraeus, Treatise of Treatises
- Patriarch Timothy II, On the Ecclesiastical Mysteries
- Eusebius, Theophania
- Ephrem the Syrian, Madrashe on the Nativity
Stay tuned for many more texts to come in 2020!