It has been a very busy year for the Digital Syriac Corpus. We launched the project officially earlier this year in May (2018). In order to help publicize the launch, I (James E. Walters) have been working the circuit of conferences and workshops giving presentations on how the Corpus works. Here is the full list of conferences that included presentations on the Corpus:
- LinkSyr: Linked Syriac Data and Syriac Sources, Vrije Universität, Amsterdam (March 2018) – conference report available here
- Global Digital Humanities Symposium, Michigan State University (March 2018)
- International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University (May 2018)
- North American Patristics Society (pre-conference digital humanities workshop), Chicago, IL (May 2018)
- Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion annual meeting, Denver, CO (November 2018)
- Material of Christian Apocrypha, University of Virginia (November/December 2018)
Hopefully with this schedule we have sufficiently publicized the project!
In addition to following along with this blog, please feel free to follow us on Twitter for more updates: @syriaccorpus