How to Browse What Is Available in the Corpus

Are you curious about what texts are currently available in the Digital Syriac Corpus? This brief tutorial will walk you through the process of browsing the texts.

First, you can navigate to the home page of the Digital Syriac Corpus: Then, click the “Browse” button at the top of the page:

Home page for syriac corpus

On the Browse page, you will see the following display, which offers the possibility to toggle the browse results in three categories: Ancient Author, Title, and Syriac Title:

Corpus Browse page

In the default Author display, you will see a list of every single author who is represented in the corpus, including an “anonymous” category for texts that do not have attributed authors.

Next to the name of each author, there is a collapse button (+/-) which, when clicked, will expand to show the list of works associated with that author:

Expanded author list view

The Title view, seen below, allows federated search results so that the use can sort results by author and catalog (“catalog” here refers to the title of a work that contains smaller constitutive works):title browse display

Clicking on a single author or catalog will then limit the results displayed to the right:

federated title search view

And finally, the contents of the Corpus can also be sorted by Syriac titles, which also offers federated sorting options:

syriac title view

Hopefully this brief tutorial has helped orient you to how to search the contents of the Digital Syriac Corpus. Our catalog will expand quickly over the next several months, so this will be a helpful way to stay informed about our collection.

Conference Presentations

It has been a very busy year for the Digital Syriac Corpus. We launched the project officially earlier this year in May (2018). In order to help publicize the launch, I (James E. Walters) have been working the circuit of conferences and workshops giving presentations on how the Corpus works. Here is the full list of conferences that included presentations on the Corpus:

  1. LinkSyr: Linked Syriac Data and Syriac Sources, Vrije Universität, Amsterdam (March 2018) – conference report available here
  2. Global Digital Humanities Symposium, Michigan State University (March 2018)
  3. International Congress of Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University (May 2018)
  4. North American Patristics Society (pre-conference digital humanities workshop), Chicago, IL (May 2018)
  5. Society of Biblical Literature/American Academy of Religion annual meeting, Denver, CO (November 2018)
  6. Material of Christian Apocrypha, University of Virginia (November/December 2018)

Hopefully with this schedule we have sufficiently publicized the project!

In addition to following along with this blog, please feel free to follow us on Twitter for more updates: @syriaccorpus



The goal for this blog is to provide information about and resources pertaining to the Digital Syriac Corpus, a new digital resource for the preservation and study of Syriac texts.

Ultimately, this site will serve as a public blog to inform the public about the status of the project and point users to resources we are developing.

For anyone on Twitter, you can also find the Digital Syriac Corpus on Twitter: @syriaccorpus.